Writing Wednesday Prompt: Investing Your Creative Energy

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Simple Truth:

Everything you invest energy, time, attention, and resources into will become your priority. We cannot grow what we do not nurture, love, and give attention. Success and achievement grows out of careful nurturing, concentrated energy and attention, and patience. 

Think about what you care deeply about and ask whether you are wholly invested (willing to devote energy, attention, and resources) into those things. 

You must invest all of you into what you aspire to be.

Here’s this week’s writing prompt:

Where are you invested? What have you made priority in your life? Is it aligned with who you aspire to be? If you are growing/evolving, are you allowing your priorities to grow with you?

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What are your actions saying about your aspirations?

Write five goals, and/or qualities you hope to become.

Think about your day for a couple of minutes. Mentally walk through your day beginning with when you wake up and ending with when you go to sleep. What five things do you invest the most energy, time, attention, and resources into? List them largest investment to least.

Compare your two lists. Do they match? How can you align what you desire with what you are? How can you strengthen those things that are already connected? Write out at least five concrete steps you can take.

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In a follow-up post, I’ll share my investments, aspirations, and the steps I am taking to align my current reality with my aspirations.

Write your responses on your blog, in your journal, share them with someone you trust to hold you accountable and please share with the Folktale community! Link or share in comments!

Peace and Love!
